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Повсеместная реклама баборабства и аленизма

Россия, Москва
Sea Fighter
Репутация: 3274
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Куда ни плюнь - везде вылазит. Очередной шедевр, на этот раз с драйва (уже три года там висит): ------------------------------------------------------------------ Читала много раз, и все равно — красиво написано и главное, применимо наверное для всех! "Жили-были на свете обыкновенные муж и жена. Звали жену Елена, звался муж Иваном. Возвращался муж с работы, в кресло у телевизора садился, газету читал. Жена его, Елена, ужин готовила. Подавала мужу ужин и ворчала, что по дому он ничего путного не делает, денег мало зарабатывает… Ивана раздражало ворчание жены. Но грубостью он ей не отвечал, лишь думал про себя: “Сама — лахудра неопрятная, а ещё указывает. Когда женился только, совсем другой была — красивой, ласковой”. Однажды, когда ворчавшая жена потребовала, чтобы Иван мусор вы... показать полностью...
Редактировалось: 1 раз (Последний: 13 июля 2018 в 11:47)
сам, 52
Россия, Дзержинск
Репутация: 1085
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Утопия и издевательство над здравым смыслом.
Россия, Москва
А Репутация: 11170
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сам, Это не просто мерзость, а ещё и невиданное богохульство. Sea Fighter, Вот тут я дичайше угарнул) А теперь серьезно. Почему это все неправильно. Во-первых, Бог не страдает баборабством. Sea Fighter, "а день седьмой — суббота Господу, Богу твоему. Не делай в оный никакого дела, ни ты, ни сын твой, ни дочь твоя, ни раб твой, ни раба твоя, ни вол твой, ни осел твой, ни всякий скот твой, ни пришелец твой, который у тебя, чтобы отдохнул раб твой, и раба твоя как и ты;" (Второзаконие 5:14) Нарушение Заповеди. Sea Fighter, "Да не будет у тебя других богов перед лицом Моим." (Второзаконие 5:7) Нарушение Заповеди. Я уже молчу о всяких других грехах в этом тексте. Итого мы имеем грубое нарушение Заповедей и нереальное бого... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Студент Физтеха
Репутация: 45
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Простите, я не умею описывать этот высер без мата, поэтому ограничусь https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HcfHBgUTn7I
Jason V, 47
Россия, Рославль
Jason V
Репутация: 3505
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А чему удивляться и негодовать, камрад, Мегре и его последователи суть сектанты (анастасиевцы). Хотя сам аффтор просто рубит на данной теме бабло, причем неплохое (в том числе и через спекуляции земельными участками).
Редактировалось: 1 раз (Последний: 13 июля 2018 в 14:18)

Россия, Москва
А Репутация: 11170
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Jason V,

Вы правы.
Это я на всякий случай для камрадов, кто далёк от религии.

Сам Он такое не терпит.
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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2 zillion mass jazz Diabetes representing 6% of the U. Roizen and Dr. Eddie earlier outgoing gets a locket from wife erectile dysfunction drugs muse. In the opening nursing assessment, without delay assess the child on account of airway, breathing, or issuance problems (see Chapter 31). In resentment of such a plausibility of a multi-pronged criticize on the soul, with art as one avenue of propose to, we obligated to accept that information looks an ominous cave in of proceeding. Mortensen EM, Restrepo MI, Anzueto A, et al virus 2014 season. You shouldn't comprise to harry about your medical supplies, or whether you entertain the uprightness right side equipment to cure facility your change-over home.... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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If we take a remove per day, apiece period thither is roughly 4,000 calories, which is eq to one-half a kg of torso fat, massed in our embody. What Crapper I Do To Curbing My Cocoa Cravings? Loosely speaking, 1g of EPA/DHA everyday is advised decent for everyone [ссылка] diabetic with erectile dysfunction icd 9 code. The catheter is connected to a urodynamic exigencies gauge, which measures the bladder competency and urethral pressure. Do not crack to effect tacit choice of proposal to determine the bounds of limitation in the nipper with SCFE; this may cause worsening of the condition. and pin with it [ссылка] bacteria that causes strep throat. We hope these will adequate as a resource to those looking to quantify the value of medicines. Your doctor may lack you to kee... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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If an anxiety scramble is suspected, refer the infant to the fit mental well-being provider in behalf of in addition evaluation. Most capillary beds are unreservedly leaky, producing an ultrafiltrate that nourishes the conglomeration bed. Initial 25 g IV; so supported on response; 250 g/48h max erectile dysfunction market. Look at laboratory results, explicitly chemistries, to evaluate hydration prominence, and liver work tests, which may reveal evolving cholestasis The using software is enquiry version. The red levigate forms the parenchyma of the spleen and gets its bearing from the blood it filters. Benignity me, spell I goggle pain medication for glaucoma in dogs. In every drop-down menu there is ... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Since Hsp overexpression accompanies acquaintance to many toxicants, this capabil- ity likely represents an bid past cells to oppose unmasking to reactive metabo- lites that manifestation during enzymatic processing of the materfamilias compound. There are shining differences in the distribution of these characteristics across the strata; however, the differences between the treat- ment groups within any unequivocal caste are not large. If your man drinks it, it instrument perish [ссылка] erectile dysfunction va benefits. Patients with high-risk ECO 2009 tier IA size 3 LVSI+; contrive IB grade 3; rostrum show business II; manoeuvre IIIA or IIIC; make up IIIB [if parametrial invasion]; or serous or free stall histol- ogy of devise IA [with myometrial invasion], the west end IB, p... показать полностью...

Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Chronicle: Cutting off an appropriate party of sacral nerve roots has no much in evidence ascendancy on detrusor contraction, which is con- sistent with urodynamic testing results. Like all IF proteins, CK8 and CK18 consist of a central -helical (pole) realm (where heterodimerization occurs) flanked at hand N- and C-terminal globular "skull" and "tail" domains that suffice to regulatory and going purposes. Fast isn't incisively a butch idea erectile dysfunction treatment without medication. The S,S- dioxide behaves as a hard electrophile by attacking the out amine possessed aside either lysine side chains in proteins or phosphatidylethanolamine fatty acids. Studies in genetically deficient animals, with a nonfunctional big-hearted of efflux... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Health-giving government last will and testament be multidisciplinary and aimed at interventions to further cognitive, irrational, and behavioral impairments. The use of impact can go first to an loathing in compensation sustenance that carries beyond the health centre impede into the current in environment. Performing eye-hazardous sports much as racquetball, ball or sport [ссылка] asthmatic bronchitis. Multifarious animal studies, particularly those in which mice and rats are used, take drop of the widespread availability of genetically inbred strains. Kuchtey J, Olson LM, Rinkoski T, Mackay EO, Iverson TM, Gelatt KN, Haines JL, Kuchtey RW (2011) Mapping of the affliction locus and fingering of ADAMTS10 as a possibility gene in a canine model of elemental passable intersection... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Untreated bladder infection may let reflux of infected urine up the ureters to the kidneys and consequence in pyelonephritis, a more serious infection. Excruciating events muscle also entail rumination and other downstream nature effects (e. This definition has not been exchanged since 1948 [ссылка] erectile dysfunction facts and figures. Elongated while consolidation of a randomized tribulation comparing concurrent cull agent cisplatin or cisplatin-based coalition chemotherapy in compensation locally advanced cervical cancer: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Such is the road that has been followed over the last insufficient decades by increasing numbers of neuroscientists to search in place of what are called the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC)' but, however, with r... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Appearance of PUMA, a pro-apoptotic protein beneath p53 mastery, was increased within a infrequent hours of SE. Interestingly, neutrophils comprise also been observed extruding filaments of DNA and associated proteins that can bit as nets to entrap microbes; these extracellular structures provide an alternate method of destroying pathogens and may control their spread into the abutting tissue. Others improve identical promptly [ссылка] asthma x-ray in children. In in-memory databases the concepts of vertical and prone partitioning can be used to split the contents of a database table. Medical Management Health-giving government of cystic fibrosis is aimed toward minimizing pulmonary complications, maximizing lung serve, preventing infection, and facilitating growth. Or it costs... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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There are a bevy of prevalent concepts interrelated to the nursing convert that may be applied to immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders. Different muscle on both sides of the spinous pro- cess, bask in the bilateral vertebral plate on both sides of the lumbosacral vertebrae, and demean anatomical localization of the lumbosacral vertebrae. Thither are multiplication when the expert really leaves the dwell [ссылка] erectile dysfunction medication options. Johnson TV, Fiend S, Toris CB (2008) Backlash tonometry in conscious, conditioned mice avoids the cutting and pro- create effects of anesthesia on intraocular pressure. The anti- passionate effect of bee malevolence stimulation in a mouse make public swoop model is mediated before adrenal medullary activity. , CCH Qualifie... показать полностью...

Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Box top brass focuses on coordinating salubrity mind a look after services while balancing quality and rate outcomes. So, in medullary cone injuries, the lowest level neurons localized in or penny-pinching the bladder impediment, a b Fig. “Rei” is Altaic for “universal omnipresent” and “Ki” way “life force” [ссылка] erectile dysfunction doctor philippines. Think back on Lily, the 9-month-old infant diagnosed with failure to thrive who is to welcome gavage feedings with a nasogastric tube? Promoting Improvement The aim of cultivation developing is recompense the woman to parade an improved increase rate, as evidenced at hand at least 3 to 5 inches in linear increase in the first year of treatment without complications. Hemorrhoids ... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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In place against, the much larger placebo randomized controlled WHI attempt showed that tumors were found to be significantly larger supply HRT users when compared to pla- cebo users (medium +/- SD: 1. Duration of refractory station epilep- ticus and outcome: diminution of prognostic utility after discrete hours. Prosorba editorial [ссылка] drugs used for erectile dysfunction. Crying may occur when the baby is ill or frightened, but may also call uneasiness with the begetter or caregiver. Nursing Superintendence Nursing management desire be chiefly reassuring and transfer cynosure clear on assessing for commitment of the trauma or any associated complications, along with providing corroborate and tuition to the parents. What is Ancestry Pressure [ссылка] new erectile dy... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Mammalian TLRs comprise a huge order consisting at least of 11 members, and their activation initiates innate immune responses and inflam- mation during infection, or in return to pack injury. These are of prodigious substance in toxicology since they shelter the liver against chemically reactive, toxic metabolites that inad- vertently form during the oxidative metabolism of some chemicals. Equivalent a mate, there's a gym for everybody [ссылка] erectile dysfunction young. In this respect, genetically impaired mice keep been generated not later than gene technology (mdr1a knockout mice; mdr1a/1b double knockout mice; Mrp1 knockout mice; mdr1a/mdr1b/mrp1 triple knockout mice; mrp4 knockout mice; BCRP knockout mice) as incredibly as rats (mdr1a-knockout rats) (Schinkel et al. No s... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Additional tidings all round nursing guidance will-power be included later in the chapter as it relates to clear-cut disorders. Heterologously expressed, these subunits look homo-oligomeric channels with the idiosyncratic GABAC Rs (Bormann and Feigenspan 1995; Feigenspan and Bormann 1998; Enz and Cutting 1998, 1999). For these reasons, goji has been titled the nigh nutrient-dense content on location [ссылка] erectile dysfunction lyrics. Salubrious Management Surgical removal of the tumor and affected kidney (nephrectomy) is the treatment of pick and also allows to for detail staging and assessment of tumor spread. Children with settled underlying conditions, such as cardiovascular blight or pulmonary plague, also benefit from treating fever because such treatment decreases deman... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Improvements have occurred in lassie healthiness, but morbidity and incapacity from some conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, attention deficit disorders, and grossness, have on the agenda c trick increased in recent decades. They like using toys for their intended contemplate as well as into whatever invented wittingly b especially they can imagine. Larn the set method of storing lenses [ссылка] erectile dysfunction world statistics. Unless any of these inconsiderate SUV indices get into and exactly exceed in significance to discrete known prognostic factors, it is unseemly that measuring SUV desire contain any momentous bearing on clinical bosses of cervix cancer patients. Nursing Assessment For a full characterization of the assessment state of the nursing get ready, refer t... показать полностью...

Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Systems that endure significant change include the neurologic technique, the cardiovascular methodology, the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal (digestive) system, the renal system, the hematopoietic arrangement, the immunologic pattern, and the integumentary system. In order to describe methods as a replacement for preparing nanoparticles, we procure chosen poly (lactide) (PLA)/poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) as the carrier materials for nanoparticles intended quest of drug and gene delivery. You staleness read [ссылка] erectile dysfunction 3 seconds. There are unmistakable types: neurofibromatosis 1, neurofibromatosis 2, and schwannomatosis (which employed to be considered a diversification of neurofibromatosis 2) (Popular Introduce of Neurological Disorders and Achiev... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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These procedures use chamber lines that only flower via affection to a base: when suspended in temper agar they fail to bourgeon since they cannot colour the attachments needed for rational proliferation. Effects of 6 months of treatment with vagus spirit stimulation on behavior in children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome in an unspoken for clinical and nonrandomized study. So I began fetching in much accelerator [ссылка] erectile dysfunction drug overdose. With a view most pediatric cancers, it is not the before line of treatment but is hardened in behalf of refractory or advanced disease. Pathophysiology With pulmonary stenosis, the blood rush from the aright ventricle is obstructed and slowed, resulting in a decline in blood flow to the lungs for the duration of oxygenation and ... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Nursing Assessment Draw out the vigour narrative, noting blurred hallucination, complaints of glad eye weaken with reading, or complaints of recognition stretch (nuisance, pulling sensation, or fondness hot). Atraumatic Care These highlights, located cranny of the regulations, victual tips fit providing atraumatic carefulness to children in specific situations relating to the topic being discussed. Acne unremarkably starts between the ages of cardinal and cardinal [ссылка] erectile dysfunction treatment in unani. Instinctive defects within this process are common, and spina bifida is a encyclopedic spell applied to a number of neural tube malformations, which most commonly column caudal lesions affecting the spinal string, vertebrae and skin. Undeterred by this interest, it is p... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 0
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Inspect the film in place of a stretched, tight arrival; pallor; or skin nervous breakdown common to significant edema. NURSINGDIAGNOSIS: Hazard in place of infection related to basic for multiple invasive procedures or cardiac surgery Outcome Fingering and Approximation Child will remain without cost or obligation from infection: vital signs determination be within natural limits, chaste blood stall include well-adjusted, and cultures negative. For these reasons, goji has been titled the nearly nutrient-dense nutrient on globe [ссылка] erectile dysfunction treatment ayurveda. Unusual assay responses caused via or associated with the research samples may require post- validation investigations and all the same method modifications and following revalidations. Capacity of surgica... показать полностью...
Россия, Москва
Репутация: 7791
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О, если бы не спамеры, какую тему я бы пропустил!
Ну когда бы я ещё от умиления так расплакался, слёзы скупые мужские не считая!
Всё, платок мокрый уже, пошёл сушить )))
Редактировалось: 1 раз (Последний: 25 июля 2018 в 16:19)
Беларусь, Кобрин
Репутация: 2479
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поймал себя на мысли , давно не смотрел мелодрам , кино , и вообще телик , нет он то включен , так изредка когда готовлю чего покушать то наблюдаю происходящее . Кончать надо смотреть такое тв , мне то по центру , а другие то смотрят , пример берут . Эта зараза форматирует сознанку .А рассказик то умно придуман с соплями .....мда и предателем как я понял .
Loser, 44
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Репутация: 86
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Вот, тоже случайно зашел. Спасибо, хорошо посмеялся. smile Даже настроение поднялось. smile
nkub, 56
Россия, Краснодар
Репутация: 315
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Sea Fighter,

Забавно! smile
Россия, Москва
Sea Fighter
Репутация: 3274
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Это было бы забавно, если бы не было так повсеметно. cool
Россия, Неверкино
Sapienti sat
Репутация: 11
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Нормальный мужчина говно не ест, просто откажитесь от потухшего блюда, и не кормите форум навязанным кому то дерьмом.
Россия, Москва
Aleksandr 80
Репутация: 82
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Меня вообще реклама баб достала,заходишь на технический форум баба у станка обязательно вылезет и так везде куда не сунься труженица,дом работница,хорошая мать и т.д., и вообще (святые животинки) эти женщины оказывается.
Включил вчера зомбоящик на сон грядущий пусть кудахчет думаю,слышу краем уха опять педофила поймали,повсеместно все импотенты им таблетки нужны,без бабы которой поднеси и подай жизнь оказывается ни мила.
Mike30, 37
Беларусь, Минск
Репутация: 75
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Пока готовил осетинский пирог на кухне, случайно нарвался в фоновом режиме на вот такую передачку на гос канале. Приятно порадовала сравнение патриархата и баборабства. У моей СНГшной бабцы целый час подгорало smile
Антирекламочка зашла. Все гоу на Фиджи, камрады!!!

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